Sex & Sexuality

What’s sex? What’s sexuality? How do people experience and actively express their sexualities, by themselves, with partners or both? How can we take part in sex in ways that are wanted and consensual, physically and emotionally safe and enjoyable for everyone? How do you figure out what you like? How can you communicate about sex? How do you deal with feelings like fear, shame, anxiety, dysphoria and other body image issues? How do you create the kind of sexual life you want? You’ll find the answers to all these and more here.

Highlighted content

  • Heather Corinna

Self-love. Solo sex. Jacking off, jilling off, whacking off. Paddling the pink canoe, pocket pinball, teasing the kitty, testing the plumbing, spanking the monkey, surfing the channel. No matter what you call it—or how goofy what you call it is—masturbation is one of the few things that almost everyone does, has done or will do. Here's some most basic things to know about it.

  • Mo Ranyart

The good news is: you aren't suffering from Too Much Lust, although that might be a fun name for your album when it's complete. Jokes aside, it's not wrong or unusual to have sexual feelings about someone you're crushing on, whether that person is a celebrity you've never met or a friend you see...

  • Andrew Gurza

When your disabled body decides to literally crap out on you, how do you bring sexy back?

  • s.e. smith

Sex isn't a tit-for-tat experience, but communicating can help you build a mutually pleasurable and fun sex life.

  • Heather Corinna

I'm always so sad to hear anyone who has the idea that needing -- or just plain wanting! -- lubricant is some kind of problem, means something is wrong with someone, or that that need is unusual. I also always find myself struggling to understand those feelings, even though I have heard many women...

  • Marianne Kirby

A lot of people are talking about "bad sex" when they mean coercive sex. So let's have a conversation about when sex just isn't satisfying.

  • Heather Corinna

Surviving in the sexual wilds -- and having your great adventures be just that, great -- involves some basic smarts, skills and conscious effort. Let’s see what we can do to help make all your trails happy ones.

  • Mo Ranyart

The good news is that there's no secret to bringing up unconventional sex acts with a partner; the same basic communication skills that are needed to talk about any other kinds of sex are what's needed here. The bad news is...well, that there's no secret to it! The simple answer to your question is...

  • Heather Corinna

I want to first reassure you that I'm sure you're not doing anything wrong, and that this isn't about something being wrong with you. That includes whatever level of desire — or frequency of desire — you find you have for sex in general or with a partner. I also don’t think this is probably just...

  • Jacob Mirzaian

Hayley, I'm so sorry you're experiencing the crappy feelings of ‘not being enough’, or even of someone potentially being ‘bored’ of you. It can be extremely painful to have those thoughts and I think it would be best for you to do what you can to start entertaining them as little as possible. It's...