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Breast Soreness Before Period

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:09 pm
by Petite_Gyal1991
Hi I posted yesterday but nobody responded so I'm trying again. I have been having breast soreness with a dull ache for the past 3 days now and i wanted to know if this is normal. Is this a side effect of taking birth control pills?

Also is having white discharge before your period normal also? Just curious.

Re: Breast Soreness Before Period

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 11:57 am
by Heather
Sorry we missed your post!

Breast tenderness or soreness is typical for a lot of people before a period or withdrawal bleed, and as you'll note in the patient information leaflet that comes with your pills, it is also a common side effect of the birth control pill.

Too, thicker cervical mucus is also what is most common towards the end of the cycle, and in addition, one of the three things the pill does to prevent pregnancy is to thicken that mucus. So, people using hormonal methods like the pill will often observe thicker discharges.