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Cleaning up?

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 9:39 pm
by CatMatRat99
When ever I ejaculate I feel extremely anxious because of the fact of cleaning up! I'm swear that sperm dies once outside of the body as long as you clean it with cold water(or so I'm told) but I'm extremely anxious just in general due to what if I smell like Seman or I stain a piece of clothing with Seman? How do I clean up effectively or masterbate on surfaces like my bed without getting fluid on my sheets?

Re: Cleaning up?

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 8:17 am
by Ellie
Hi CatMatRat,

No need to worry!

For most fabrics, washing immediately with a biological detergent will be enough to remove the semen and prevent staining. The easiest solution is to toss the fabric into the washing machine on a cold water cycle (as hot water can make semen coagulate into the fabric). Fresh stains can be removed pretty easily just by rinsing with cold water. Using detergent or soap doesn't hurt, and can be an alternative to the washing machine if the stain isn't fresh.

Many people avoid getting their sheets dirty by laying a towel down, or ejaculating into something, like a towel or washcloth, a tissue or wipe, or a masturbator toy. Mattress protectors are also an option.

Hope this helps!

Re: Cleaning up?

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 10:36 am
by CatMatRat99
thank you!