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It Broke?!

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 6:52 am
by raily_
So I know I am irrational, but I need peace of mind. I take my birth control religiously. I have only been late to take a pill a total of three pills the entire year I’ve been taking them, and it was the next morning when I remembered to take them. I don’t take my “reminder pills,” but I do wait the week and always start that next Sunday on time. The only difference this month the the previous months of birth control is I am technically taking them an hour later than I normally do because of the time change. This month I have not missed or been late on pills, nor have I had any diarrhea or vomiting the few hours after taking the pill. I and my boyfriend have sex regularly, but to ease my anxiety, he either wears no condom and pulls out, or doesn’t pull out but puts on a condom halfway through. Tonight the condom broke, and we didn’t realize it, and he finished inside me. I am on my first day of placebo pills this week so yesterday was my last active pill. Do I have anything to worry about? I don’t need a plan b do I?

Re: It Broke?!

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 7:49 am
by Sam W
Hi raily_,

From your description, it sounds like you should have full protection from your pill, in which case Plan B wouldn't be necessary; part of why we recommend the "buddy system" with birth control is for situations like this one where a method fails unexpectedly.

I will say that if you have anxiety around this, going forward it might make more sense to just stick to wearing condoms each time and the entire time , since they're more effective than withdrawal and give you protection from STIs on top of that. That does that sound like something you two can do?