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dry humping and light period

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 7:20 am
by dazzlingwillow
my bf and i dry humped. we had all of our clothes on(4 layers between us). i even got my period after that but it was relatively lighter than my usual periods. i read about implantation bleeding and i think that has added to my anxiety. we've dry humped before and i have never been this worried i dont know why it's happening now. could that light period just have been stress? it's not possible to get pregnant this way right? especially if i had jeans on.
thank you in advance, i know what im posting is pretty insane

Re: dry humping and light period

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 7:35 am
by Sam W
Hi dazzlingwillow,

So, in order for a pregnancy risk to be present, there has to be direct, genital to genital contact. That can't happen if there's one layer of clothing in the way, let alone four, so there was not a pregnancy risk in this instance.

Since it sounds like you're still feeling a lot of anxiety around this, I suggest reading through this article, which we wrote specifically to help people work through their pregnancy scares: The Pregnancy Panic Companion.

Too, we can also talk about why you're finding these fears hard to get rid of, even though it sounds like on some level you know you didn't have a risk (and that even if you had, a period would indicate you hadn't become pregnant from it).

Re: dry humping and light period

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 7:44 am
by dazzlingwillow
thank you so much
i actually have severe health anxiety but my parents arent exactly open to the topic of mental illness and there's a lot of stigma surrounding it over here, so access to a therapist is a bit hard but this helped so much

Re: dry humping and light period

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 7:55 am
by Sam W
I'm glad it was helpful!

If you'd like, we could talk about ways to potentially bring up your need for mental health support with your family, or help you look for resources that you might be able to access either in person or remotely. We could also talk about some tools for self-managing anxiety, if that would be helpful.

Re: dry humping and light period

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 8:08 am
by dazzlingwillow
id love to know more about tools for self managing anxiety!

Re: dry humping and light period

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 11:02 am
by Sam W
Okay! This article is a round up of a bunch of different options, including apps, books, hotlines, and other tools: Anxiety and Other Mental Health Resources.

These two resources from that article might work as good starting places for learning some of the skills to manage anxiety when you can't access more formal help: ... help-guide,