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Trimming Down There

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 6:35 pm
by swimminginspace
Hey there! It's been a while since I've been on Scarleteen. I tend to feel some itching and discomfort when I move around in my boxers, so I decided to trim some of the hair to see if it was just catching on the fabric. But now it's just worse! I wasn't using any technique when cutting to be honest, so now it's just prickly and stabs into me :( I'm assuming the only solution is to wait for the hair to grow out again, but is there anything I can do in the meantime to not feel so uncomfortable?? Also any advice for next time (though I doubt there will be a next time now LOL)? I was thinking about putting some aloe vera on to see if it can keep the hair down and prevent it from stabbing me, but I don't know if that's safe for such a sensitive area.
(Oh, and also, the kind of itching only occurs with boxers, so it's not an infection! Sucks because women's underwear gives me dysphoria and I'm kind of forced to roll with the discomfort.)

Re: Trimming Down There

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 6:41 pm
by Sofi
Hi there! I'm so sorry you're having this discomfort, that sounds like a real headache. My best advice is coconut oil, which will help make the hair a bit softer down there - but it's definitely not a magic solution, unfortunately. Since you mentioned women's underwear gives you dysphoria, I don't want to suggest wearing it BUT what if you layered it with boxers? So that's what's directly touching your skin, but you can't see it from the outside cause the boxers cover it up? Just an option I thought of, not sure if it would work out for your dysphoria. I'm also not sure if you're using boxer shorts or boxer briefs, but with briefs it's less likely the snagging of the hair will happen since they're more snug and there's less movement between the boxers and the hair, if that makes sense.

Re: Trimming Down There

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 7:20 pm
by swimminginspace
I've done what you've said and it seems to have made things more manageable, thank you! It must have just been general chafing I was experiencing... Do you happen to have advice on how to pick out boxers/boxer briefs that don't cause chafing?

Re: Trimming Down There

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 6:15 am
by Jacob
I have found lyocel boxers suuuuper comfy and they have a silky texture which at least anecdotally does seem to reduce friction for me... however it can be kind of pricey.

I think the way I would approach this would be to head to the shops and just physically feel the different fabrics available and how friction-y they are. Checking out the more expensive stuff can help you get an idea of what you like the feel of, because they can sometimes afford to be more creative with materials used... then, depending on what you think can afford, take note of the details listed on the label and then you look for affordable alternatives that use the same materials.