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male sex toys..

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2023 6:49 pm
by staplesj_
So, I am wanting to try out anal play and since I am a male there is a big stigma with anything anal with men. I am really tired of your basic getting off. I wanted to experience a multi orgasmic experience as a male. I am planning on buying a few toys. One toy is a probe to get me warmed up and another one is electric vibrator one im ready.

How can I experience a multi orgasmic experience as a male even with toys?

Thanks : )

Re: male sex toys..

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2023 1:26 am
by Latha
Hi there, staplesj!

Ah, you're right about there being stigma, especially for straight men. Just so we're on the same page, would you clarify what you mean by 'multi-orgasmic' experience? Do you mean having multiple orgasms in succession, or something else?

Re: male sex toys..

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2023 8:08 pm
by staplesj_
Hey: ) so yea I just meant like a male having multi orgasms instead of the refractory periods. I heard anal stimulation or prostate milking is really pleasurable and I considering buying a few toys to have that experience.

Re: male sex toys..

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2023 8:17 pm
by staplesj_
I know women can have multiple orgasms and that made me curious as a male if I can do the same. I wanted to have that experience and I am really eager. I am just trying to get over the homophobia and not feeling like I am a " man " for inserting something up in my anus and allowing myself to feel pleasure.

Re: male sex toys..

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 7:04 am
by Sam W
So, in theory anyone can have multiple orgasms in one session of masturbation. But whether or not they do depends on things like how much time they have, what kind of stimulation they're using, and how their body and brain are responding to things that day.

Too, some people do experience "serial orgasms" which means that you have a kind of orgasm that's a little bit like popcorn popping: once one orgasm starts, another follows right on its heels, and possibly another after that, so that it feels like orgasm goes on for a few minutes, rather than a few seconds. But in a lot of cases, a multi-orgasmic experience involves someone going through the whole or part of their sexual response cycle before reaching the next one. So a refractory period can actually be part of having multiple orgasms. Does all that make sense?