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Bleeding on pill after losing virginity

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 4:17 pm
by Girl0405
I lost my virginity last week. We didn’t use a condom but he didn’t cum near me, although I know that pre-cum is still dangerous for pregnancy. I have been on the mini pill for 4 years but still get irregular bleeding patterns as sometimes I don’t take it at the right time. This past week I had spotting which slowly turned into a period. I was wondering if this means I could be pregnant or if it is an issue with my pill etc?

Re: Bleeding on pill after losing virginity

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 6:51 am
by Sam W
Hi Girl0405,

From the sound of it, you two used a combination of withdrawal (pulling out) and the mini-pill, with as a combination is around 97% (that number is for an entire year; in a given instance of use it can be 100% effective, and often is). Given that, and that you've had your withdrawal bleed from your pill (that's the period you get while on it), you can assume you're not pregnant. However, if you want to confirm that, the way to do so would be to take a pregnancy test.

Since there was not a condom used, did the two of you also talk about STI risks?