Mo Ranyart

  • Mo Ranyart

This sounds like a frustrating situation, and I'm sorry this side effect of your testosterone has made things so much trickier in this one respect, but in case it helps to have a reminder: your lack of interest in masturbation or sex doesn't mean there's something wrong with you, and I'm sorry to...

  • Mo Ranyart

I can't definitively say whether you're bisexual or not, because your own sexual orientation is something only you can know for sure. But I can throw out some thoughts and ideas that might make it easier for you to come to more of an understanding about yourself and your orientation. A great first...

  • Mo Ranyart

I love this question, because it's something I think doesn't get discussed enough, and while I think the answer is fairly simple, that doesn't mean it's easy. I know the thought of asking someone out can be intimidating even to people who've done it before, so when you haven't had any experience...

  • Mo Ranyart

It sounds like this is really stressing you out. Hopefully I can help by answering your first question right off the bat: yes, this is normal. I think you're right that the lack of contact could have been a factor in the cooling of your feelings towards your long-distance partners; that's a common...

  • Mo Ranyart

I can understand why you aren't feeling loved and wanted. It sounds like your partner is acting in a distinctly unloving way. I have some thoughts about ways you can approach conversations with him, to see if he's willing to change his thoughts and actions here, but unless he is willing to make some...

  • Mo Ranyart

When people ask about lowering their standards and whether it's worth it to do so, the answer to that question depends on what those standards are. You didn't describe yours in detail, so I don't have much to go on, but in general, I'd divide what people tend to call "standards" into two types of...

  • Mo Ranyart

The good news is: you aren't suffering from Too Much Lust, although that might be a fun name for your album when it's complete. Jokes aside, it's not wrong or unusual to have sexual feelings about someone you're crushing on, whether that person is a celebrity you've never met or a friend you see...

  • Mo Ranyart

I'm so sorry that N is constantly misgendering you; that sounds like a painful situation. I know from experience that it can be incredibly hurtful and demoralizing to have someone in your social circle do this even after being corrected multiple times. Even if he acts like this behavior isn't a big...

  • Mo Ranyart

Mo shares their own journey in understanding their sexual orientation, including how a certain cult classic brought them clarity.

  • Mo Ranyart

If you're unsure of your sexual orientation, that uncertainty can feel overwhelming. You're not alone in this feeling, though! We've compiled the experiences of several people who've gone through that questioning process in the hope that their experiences might be relatable or comforting.